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Pass the Past

Sooooo. Here is what I want you to do. Think of the greatest event of your life up until now.

Was it a home run in high school?

Your first truck?

That kiss?

Holding your kids for the first time?

Hearing "well done?"

Your honeymoon?

Walking into your house?

Buying that painting?

The cruise?

What was it? Type it out in the comments. Don't go on any further, type it in there. At least write it down somewhere.

Now close your eyes & spend a little time remembering your greatest event.

What do you remember most about that time of your life?

Was it a smell, a taste, freedom, the company you enjoyed it with, a feeling or sensation???

For me, there are many. The time I saw my beautiful bride in her wedding dress, literally my heart stopped. There was that time I caught my longest pass in high school. Ohhh, & I cannot explain to you the feelings of watching your kids do something correctly that you taught them to do, it is so heart warming. I cannot tell you the peace I felt once I finished my first construction project. Sooooooo joyful. I could breath again.

Here is my question to y'all. That event that you wrote down - will you ever get to experience it again?

Ya, you might come close. But, when you really think about it, not that close.

If I could go back to North Carolina with my bride, have her put on the dress she wore for our wedding day, sit in the same chair, if I could make everything the same...would it feel the same to me?

Nope, it wouldn't be the same because of 2 reasons.

#1 my love for her has changed, it's grown much more deeper.

#2 I've already seen her, my heart might skip still, but it may not stop like it did.

See, what happens is, I have these great memories & I want to re-experience them. But I can't cuz I've already experienced them. I can't re-experience the experience I've already experienced because it was already created.

Think of it this way...what was was already created.

Look at that event you wrote down. This is as close to it as you can ever get again.

Scripture begins by God saying, "let there be light."

Can we undo the light that was already created? We can try to hide it, we can cover it, but it's always around now. Even if we are in the darkest part of the earth, we can still see because of the stars & moon. (Yes, you can go into some caves that are so dark you cannot see a thing)

Here is my point. Why do we recreate what was already created? Why do we live our lives looking to the past as the best times of our lives?

We should be looking to the future, speaking into it by saying, the best is yet to come. And when something else great happens, speak into your future & say, now the best is yet to come.

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